
Why you need ebay, Yahoo and Google to succeed in your online venture

Only few businesses can survive using a single source of marketing. If you are selling ice cream during summer all you need to do is set up a small shop on a busy street. But if you are selling ice creams to big firms like McDonald's who in turn will sell these to the actual customers you need to use a multiple ways to find customers first of all and secondly to convince them to sell your product.

What works well for someone may not necessarily work the same way for other. Using multiple methods to find the customers and expand your business increases the probability of finding the right method which will work well for your business.

Using multiple methods will give you increased opportunities.If you can find customers for your product from Google , Yahoo and why settle for only one out of the possible three. You lose valuable money by doing this.

Having multiple options available with you will help you get a head start for your business and slowly progress your way to the top. For example if you are a firm selling products you can use for selling your product immediately and discover other marketing options for your product in due course of time.

While some business are very lucky to find something which will work for them very early others have not been so lucky and have been struggling for decades. Due to the competitive nature of business these days other businesses are trying to attract your loyal customers by offering them an incentive or a gift. Remember businessman are willing to do anything and everything in their power to survive and do well. What has been working for a long time may not work tomorrow, so it is always advisable to have back up plan. I have seen businesses perish only due to the dip in their search engine rankings on Google or Yahoo. You cannot depend only on search engine for your traffic as these regularly update their algorithms which may increase or decrease your search engine rankings.

While experimenting with methods to find more business, some methods may not work but you will not find the right method which works unless you try it out. Business is an evolutionary process,it involves a lot of risk and requires initiative. It is an experiment where you try a lot of things, discard things which may not have worked well for you and keep things which worked well.

The companies which survive and do exceedingly well in online business adopt a large number of strategies. You should expect yourself to do all of these sometime in the near future:

1. Selling your products using online auction sites like
2. Using merchant sites like to promote your product.
3. Using to promote your product using discount coupons and promotions.
4. Using multiple web stores for promotion of your product.
5. Using PPC programs to get visitors to your site through search engine traffic.
6. Using SEO to get traffic from search engines for free.
7. Use offline methods like publishing ads in newspapers, outdoor banners,etc.
8. Selling your product using an affiliate program where you pay commission to the referrers for every purchase made through their referral.
9. Getting leads so that you can send them your email newsletter to frequently update them about your product.
10.Promote your product using forums and groups like Google Groups.

One point to be noted while doing online business is that you need patience and luck to succeed, and there are always new things you can learn everyday.

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